2011年10月2日 星期日

Tutorabc: Internet Dependence

1. sidetrack= distract
2. anonymity 匿名性
3. susceptible = sensitive= vulnerable

**Useful phrase
1. I don't panic
2. they feel neglected

2011年10月1日 星期六

Tutorabc: Graduation

1. apprenticeship 學徒資格、見習期
2. diploma 學位證書

**Useful phrase
1. compulsory education
2. to address= to deal with; e.g. I plan to address this problem by changing the way we handle things.

Tutorabc: Romantic Proposals

1. extra: 替身、臨演
2. nerve-wracking 令人緊張
3. ultimatum 最後通牒
4. introverted 不善交際的

**Useful phrase
1. fork over: 不情願地付出
2. skywriting 在空中寫字
3. take the first step

2011年9月23日 星期五

Tutorabc: What is Baseball

1. umpire 棒球裁判
2. mound 小山、土墩
3. pitcher 投手
4. foul 犯規, 界外
5. batter 打擊手
6. inning 球局
7. animosity 敵意、憎恨
8. autograph 簽名

**Useful phrase
1. to no avail 無用、無效果
2. strike 好球
3. ball 壞球
4. tag out 觸殺
5. The game becomes intense when all the bases are loaded.
6. strike out 三振、fly out 高飛球出局、ground out滾地球出局、force out 盜壘出局、

2011年9月4日 星期日

TutorABC- The Gift of Insults

* Vocabulary
1. pedicure & manicure 手保腳保
2. infamous 聲名狼籍的 The president is infamous for committing fraud.
3. square off 擺好姿勢 (get ready to fight someone) as the two squared off for battle, ....
4. uncanny 奇怪
5. insolent 傲慢無禮
6. indignity 侮辱行為 <-> dignity 尊嚴
7. warrior 戰士 There once lived a great warrior.
8. rebel 反叛者 Were you a rebel when you were young?
9. concerned = worried
10. assault = attack
11. moral = the lesson taught

** Useful phrase
1. the superior wins the argument.
2. No, not that I can remember
3. hurl (say) insults at the old master
4. how does it relate to .....
5. Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

2011年1月15日 星期六

TutorABC: Puppy Love

1. mutt 混種貓狗 (mixed breed品種)
2. fret 苦惱、發愁
3. nail filing 修指甲
4. nail grinding 磨指甲
5. tooth scaling 洗牙
6. kennel 狗屋 [ˋkɛnl]
7. replica 複製品
8. staircase 樓梯間
9. entourage 隨從 [͵ɑntuˋrɑʒ]
10. pooch 雜種狗
11. vaccination against 接種
12. bewildering 使人迷糊 [bɪˋwɪldɚ]
13. superfluous 過剩的、多餘的 [sʊˋpɝflʊəs]
14. juggle 耍弄

**Useful Phrases
1. push their dog in a stroller 把狗放在嬰兒車
2. replacements for babies? 寶寶的替代品
3. in western society
4. toy/ small/ medium/ large 寵物重量分類
5. sit well with 適合、被接受
6. go overboard 魯莽行事、過火
7. disposal diaper 紙尿布
8. to be/ go over the top 過份